Saturday 14 March 2009

Chris's Project -Junk Food

These two pictures are from the designer Temara de Lempicka: I had the idea of building a canvas in Maya8 and then adding this image which I have changed in photoshop, I took the image and used the tools on photoshop, the Burn, Blur, Eraser tools and Filter to make the image look like a canvas design, and put the image on top of a burn wooden back drop, to show the image has been warn away and detoryed:

This was another Idea I took from the designer Eileen Gray: the side table was built because I liked the fact that it was different from the over furniture I have built so far:

The broken Piano, was something that was an idea of mine only because I thought it would really good to have a low poly model that have a lot of detail inside the object, so when it is broken a viewer can see inside the of the object making the object look real istead of a block:

I really wanted to model a water fountain because it was something different from what I usually model. So I firsty built it and then added Booleans to break down the fountain making it look detoryed over the years:

When researching into bugatti furniture I realised they did alot on baby cots so it gave me the idea of modelling a babies cot, with different ways of it looking broken:

I took the ideas of both these chairs from the designer Eileen Gray and have used Booleans in Maya8 to take sections out of the chairs to make them look old and broken. But when I apply textures then it will look better.

I have been modelling, desks and then changing them into broken desks, I have done the same to two units and a broken table:

Drawn Pictures of what I would Like my designs to look like from my influences from my mood-board:

When researching into the Art Deco I found that most buildings, furniture, cars and paintings were taken from the styles of Art Deco: Jared gave me some names that were connected with making furniture under the influences of Art Deco from these names and my own research I found a few people that have influenced my work and it shows though the modelling I have produced.

Temara De Lempicka: Art Deco has become very popular within 2008/09, most of the card shops such as Clinton's Cards have been selling Art Deco cards up and down the market along with merchandise. These images are the original Art Deco women designs, before they have been made into glamorous models. I wanted to use one of these designs and build it into a canvas, and put it into the environment to show the era in which Chris wants to show.

When researching I found that most building that are well known to most of the public are done under Art Deco, these images below are well known building, the Odeon cinema, MacDonald's, hotels, famous buildings and museums.

Bugatti Furniture: was called the over the top Art Deco designs, these were more detailed and used cultural influences which have bee Incorporated into their furniture.

Raymond Loewy: built and designed cars and trains, during the '50s when Art Deco styles were very popular, most designers took on the influences from this type of style and developed creations and made them their own.

Below I have made a mood-board to show the furniture I have been looking at as inspiration.

Chris Group- Chris colour will be Red: During the second term Chris Director and Al Producer of the film Junk Food asked me to join their group due to dissertation taking up the time of members from his group, they asked me to model some of the broken stuff which will be shown in the background to build up the element of junk.

Al told me to model things that were designed in the '50s and to look at the designs taken by Art Deco. So far I have modelled a few things but will be adding more models and also these models will have textures mapped by next week.

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