Sunday 26 October 2008

Two Colours/Two Different groups

during the week I have gone to my other groups and have foound that they don't need my help until next term when the production side is about to start so I have been doing concept art fro my main group which is Sal's Group. So far I am enjoying what we are doing everyone in the group work really well together and we are making some great results.
Anna's Group that are doing the ride have said that they may not have much 3D environment for me to do and that their finding it hard to find something for me to do and on that note I said that for now to worry about the main people in her group and if there is something for me to do then let me know, so because of this I then began to ask around the other groups if they needed a 3D environment designer.

Daryal and I had a conversation on his projected called The Prof, and he said he needed help with his backgrounds. After I saw his idea and met with the people in his group I decided to join Daryal's group and work with Harrion on the main evironment background.So for this term Daryal has asked for me to do some concept work and we will go from their. Since I am in two group I will be using this blog to show both projects by having the writting in two different colours to make it clear that certain work are for certain groups by the colour of the text.

Sal: White
Daryal: Blue

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